Discover the history of Mdina, map

Discover the history of Mdina and the typical limestone in Malta

Today, we will discover the history two emblems of Malta: the historical walls of Mdina and a quarry of Malta’s typical limestone.

Mdina: oldest part of Rabat

Mdina: oldest part of Rabat

Mdina, a very beautiful high-walled medieval citadel, entirely made of the typical local yellow-ocher limestone, is in the middle of the present urban nucleus of Rabat, which has gradually grown around it in the centuries.

The old capital of Malta preserves its ancient past perfectly intact: that’s why it’s a tourist attraction visited by tourists from all over the world.
The ancient gateway to the city leads you to the discovery of this extraordianry jewel. Its narrow streets converge in St Paul’s Square, where the Cathedral is; elegant buildings stand out against the sky.
A great number of small shops selling all sort of things will surprise you; cafés and restaurants at every corner.

How to get to your next stage: the main bus stop is located near the entrance to the city (and is divided into two sectors).

DISCOVER HERE all the activities of this particular island

The Limestone Heritage Park & Gardens

The Limestone Heritage Park & Gardens

“The Limestone Heritage Park & Gardens” is in Siġġiewi.

An introductory film in different languages tells the story of this kind of stone. Then, an outdoor itinerary with audioguide explains the techniques and the tools miners made use of in the past decades to extract the local limestone.
Houses, churches cathedrals and palaces were built with this honey-coloured limestone that strikes the onlooker for its simple beauty. A small park with a waterfall and some farm animals end the visit.
Inside the park, a café sells souvenirs.

To go back, which departs from the centre of the village, is the fastest.