Trekking to the Acropolis of ancient Sami

Trekking to the Acropolis of ancient Sami

A day of trekking around the acropolis of ancient Sami, lasting about 4 hours.
Departure is from the cemetery of Sami where the demarcated path is located.
About 20 minutes from the start, in the shade of holm oaks and strawberry trees, there is a splendid view of Sami on the right.
At the fork in the road, continue to the right.

Risalita dac Sami nel bosco

Along the way are the ruined church of San Nicholas, the spring, the monastery of San Fanentes, the acropolis of Sami, the remains of the castle and the return to the cypress forest.

Chapel of St Nicholas

Cappella di San Nicholas

1 – Little remains of this chapel, some walls, but still visible and well-preserved frescoes on the walls.
Not to be missed!

At the spring


2 – Water always flows here even in a drought.
It gushes out of the mountain into a rock basin and then flows into another basin where goats drink.
The water that comes out is drinkable, but the site has been abandoned and perhaps it would be better not to drink it.

DISCOVER HERE all the activities of this fantastic island

San Fanentes Monastery

Monastero di San Fenentes

3 – Some of the walls survived the 1953 earthquake, others lie on the ground in a heap of stones.
The monastery was fortified and included a large tower.
To the side is the new church of San Fanentes.

The ancient acropolis of Sami

Vecchie mura fortificate

4 – Ancient Sami was a fortified town, and now only its ruins remain, lying up there folded in on themselves.
This city was an autonomous and independent state with its own currency, but lost its freedom and autonomy with the Roman siege.
A few meters further along the road on the left are the ruins of the castle, which was completely destroyed in the earthquake of 1953.