Tourist map of the Greek island of Kefalonia, where to stay and where to rent a car
For this unforgettable trip to Greece, below you will find the tourist map of the island of Kefalonia and Ithaca, for you to do on your own.
Our advice on where to stay and rent a car will help you to enjoy this wonderful island.
These extraordinary places will enchant you and remain forever etched in your memories. You’re going to leave a part of your heart on these two islands.
Contact us for more information.
Book your hotel in Kefalonia
For your holidays in Kefalonia we recommend you stay in Sami. Place located in a central position, ideal for touring the island and enjoying your vacation.
DISCOVER HERE all the activities of this fantastic island
Sami is close to Antisamos beach, and in the evening a long row of beachfront trattorias await you.
Very convenient to reach Ithaca. (We visited Ithaca by renting a scooter already from Sami for a day, finding this perfect solution).
The town of Lixouri
This charming town has been almost entirely rebuilt after the earthquake. It can be reached by ferry from the port of Argostoli approximately every hour.
If you are looking for a fashionable place to spend your vacation without having to rent a vehicle, or if you want to discover pristine beaches that are not well marked on the geographical maps by renting a scooter, so this is the perfect place for a tourist like you!