Where to stay: Hotels in Rovaniemi Finland

Where to stay: Hotels in Rovaniemi

If you want to stay only 1 or 2 nights in the city, it is not essential to rent a car.
But if you want to visit more attractions it is essential to rent one at the airport.

In fact, many interesting structures in Rovaniemi are located a few kilometers away.

Trust our skills, we will advise you best!

Rovaniemi city centre

Some tips:

At the two Shell gas stations (north and south of Rovaniemi), you can eat well without spending much.

If you’re only staying a couple of nights, it’s not necessary to rent a car. But if you want to see more attractions, it’s essential to rent one, as many interesting places in Rovaniemi are a few kilometers away.
Here’s where to stay for a couple of nights when visiting Santa Claus
Budget hotel
In the wild nature
Accommodation in the city

HERE YOU FIND all the activities in Rovaniemi