Český Krumlov: Return Travel to Prague through the Bohemian Countryside
For the return travel from Český Krumlov to the capital, the journey will be more scenic by immersing yourself in the beautiful Bohemian countryside.

In spring, the stunning expanses of golden-yellow rapeseed fields stretching into infinity will remain forever etched in your memory.
The route is certainly more relaxing and pleasant as it is away from traffic.

Along the way, there are bars and restaurants for a lunch break, a cappuccino, or an ice cream.
From Český Krumlov, take the road no. 166 at Kájov towards Chvalšiny, then to Netolice, Písek, Milín, Dobříš, and then head towards the airport.
Travel time is about 3.5 hours.
On the travel, we stayed overnight at the Hotel U Smrku in Jeneč, just a stone’s throw from the airport. Recommended!
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